Hello! I'm Barbara Rae..
Welcome to my
"Local Business Guide" ~ Chat Spot.
I provide a monthly "Local Business Guide" (free of charge to the public) to help local businesses be noticed, located, shopped, and remembered by their local community.
If you own or manage any kind of business or service company, you know just how important it is to stay in front of the competition and well recognized in your market area.
Even the huge Corporations like Ross, McDonalds, Disneyland, even Amazon.. never stop running continuous advertisements to stay relevant to the public.
And smaller, local markets are no different. There is a market for your business, but how much of that market sees you? π
Local businesses have to keep this in mind as the public is easily distracted by 'shiny objects'.
Staying out in front in your business category, no matter how popular it is, is important.
Running sales and curbside signs are okay.. but honestly, you really want something your customer can put in there hand, take home, and physically hold on to!
That brings me to 'Print Ads'.
Especially placing your ads in a small, handy booklet, that is FREE to the public and visible all over town is an amazing tool to get sales!
[This has been proven over the years - no matter what new fang-dangle technology they come up with, 'Print Ads in Hand' has always out prformed the rest.] π
"Just above is the upcoming December Cover.
It will be filled with Local Business Ads for Kingman Arizona".
* All ads must be received and paid by November 15, 2023 to be included in this December issue.
(I am currently designing the copy so be quick to order to prevent the rush to copy, please.)
Ads sizes and prices: (per monthly issue)
*All ads are in color unless B&W preferred
~ 1/8 page (Small ad) $50
~ 1/4 page (Medium ad) $100
~ 1/2 (Large ad) $200
~ 1/1 (Full Page) $400
Contact me with any questions or details at...
Barbara Rae <localbizguideaz@gmail.com>
Call or text me @ 623-226-8480
Web: http://www.localbizbook.com
(or) https://bizchatwithbarb.blogspot.com
πLet's do business!π
Have a safe and wonderful day ~
Barbara Rae π
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